Smiles are often the first thing we notice about a person. If your smile is giving you grief, you may be inclined to hide it, giving tight-lipped grins instead of flashing those pearly whites. If you want (or need) straighter teeth, Invisalign is a great option.
When you are considering what method of aligning your teeth you should use and if Invisalign is best for you, several important factors come into play: How long does Invisalign take? What impact will it have on my oral care — and how do you clean Invisalign retainers? How is this going to impact my life?
Eventually, you will get a beautiful, straight, white smile. In the meantime, Invisalign checks all the boxes for ease and comfort, especially compared to other methods. Check out the five best reasons Invisalign is the way to get a straight, fabulous smile you never want to hide.
Nobody has to know that you have Invisalign
Not having straight teeth is rough on the confidence, but braces have developed a reputation for being nerdy — even though there’s nothing “nerdy” about taking care of your teeth and getting the best smile you can have.
With Invisalign, no one has to know. The clear patented plastic is virtually invisible. How long Invisalign takes varies by patient, but it is one of the faster options. After six months to a year of wearing the aligners for 20-22 hours every day, all your friends will be wondering where that gorgeous, unguarded smile came from.
Aside from your family dentist and those closest to you who see the aligners come out at meals or watch you figure out how to clean Invisalign retainers in the first few days, the only people who have to know are the ones you choose to tell.
How long Invisalign takes
How long does Invisalign take? Not as long as braces — at least half the time for most patients. Braces can take as long as three years to slowly straighten your teeth, and everyone knows what is happening the entire time. With Invisalign, some clients see a difference in as little as a month!
This does not mean their teeth are aligned perfectly and they should move on to night time retainers. However, given the near invisibility of Invisalign, the remaining six and 12 months seem much shorter. For some patients, Invisalign does take as long as a year to a year and a half.
The comfort of Invisalign
How long Invisalign takes is almost just a bonus when you consider how much less discomfort you go through. However, not only are the application and removal processes much gentler, just wearing the aligners wreaks way less havoc in your mouth.
For any kind of tooth adjustment or change, your dentist or orthodontist will take a digital 3D scan of your teeth. Braces then have to be bonded to the teeth, and the connecting wire is affixed. After taking a 3D scan, your new Invisalign aligners will be process, ad every week, the aligners are replaced with new ones.
Furthermore, when it comes to your mouth, other aligners can cut your cheeks and gums and may even be rough on your tongue. Invisalign is made of a smooth, special thermoplastic called SmartTrack. There are no rough edges or pointy bits sticking into or getting stuck on the soft parts of your mouth.
Eat whatever you want
One of the absolute worst parts of metal braces is how many things you can’t eat. No tortilla chips. No sticky, caramel-like candies. No bubble gum, popcorn, corn on the cob, nuts, carrots, or other hard or chewy foods. Additionally, while of course everyone should always limit sugary foods, people with metal braces have to be exceptionally careful because the sugar can invade the braces where they are bonded to the teeth.
With Invisalign, you simply take the trays out of your mouth and eat whatever you want. You should brush your teeth before putting them back in, but adding an extra brushing or two is nothing compared to getting food stuck in your braces and having to slip dental floss in between each tiny crevice between your teeth to floss.
Dental care does not get harder
Invisalign makes your at-home oral hygiene as easy as it ever was. Take your aligners out, brush, and floss, and you are done. You do have to learn how to clean Invisalign retainers, but it’s easy. Just brush your aligners like your teeth. Some patients wonder if they can use whitening strips with Invisalign attachments.
Professional dental work does not have to be difficult either. Take your aligners out, get your normal checkup and cleaning, and put the aligners back in. There’s nothing to work around at check-ups. Invisalign checkups are also fast and easy. As required by your dentist, you will go in for a quick check-up, pick up your next few sets of aligned trays, and head home.
You don’t have to worry about emergency orthodontist visits for broken wires or other issues that have to be taken care of immediately.
For more information
If you are ready for a bright, white smile with nothing to hide, let’s talk about Invisalign. It’s helped millions of people with a variety of different alignment problems get a whole new smile and a whole new kind of confidence. Dean Dental Solutions can start your Invisalign journey today! Contact us online, or call (501) 771-2911 to schedule a consultation.
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